Portfolio and ARTISTIC Journey
best to view on a desktop

Traditional Media

As an artist, I am always seeking to try new mediums and medias. My sharpest skills artistically are still old fashion charcoal, but my passion is mixed media.If my style speaks to you my art is only a commission away. At a young age I was told I had an "eye" for beauty. As I grew older and people continued to have the same sentiment, I decided to pick up a Cannon Rebel T6 and try photography.


Right around this time I was learning how to speak machine langue's like HTML or CSS. The world was changing and I feared being left behind. To keep with the times I tried my hand next at digital media through Adobe.

Photo gallery

Business photography

This collections is an example shoot for Generous Kingdom, a real world client. This is only a small gallery take across 2 locations as advertised in my service index.
This client had a few needs and I think we nailed it.
The first need was supporting material for advertising massage and energy work.
The second need was a vending booth shot to meet the requirements for most event venues using his equipment.
The third need was to get a few shots of a partner for a bio and services page.
Lastly this client wanted some product shots for a kit he is selling.

more on Instagram


On a few occasions I have had the honor of capturing memories for peoples most important days. I absolutely love celebrating love.truly a gauntlet for every photographer, to find the balance between getting the shot and out of the way.

Digital Media

Luckily, I am good enough to gain favor and pay, so I began picking up odd job for logos, social accounts, and tattoos. It was not until college that I began to understand how fuse these skills with my growing understanding of technology.

Digital Art

Marketing Design




Logo Design

Print assets

Social Media posts

Marketing Strategy

Empower the greatest invention in your company through:

Web Design

Any joe can build a website these days with all the user friendly UI's like wix or Square space. Sure, if you need a landing page on a start up budget, building your own page is a good option. These days on the ever growing internet, having a web page is not enough to get discovered. To be competitive in internet markets you will need to optimize for search results, constantly push content to a fleet of social media accounts, manage newsletters, build inventories, manage orders, and shipping and that's just the basics.
In my experience, there is no greater problem solver then the internet, my diverse experience extends far beyond "how to build a website". I create digital eco systems that harness automation to make management of projects easy. I understand budget limitations and can build a plan that suits your needs. To learn more about my style of web design click show me.


Expand your inventory while spreading the message. I can create custom, well anything really and with the power of drop shipping you don't have to buy anything until you already made a sale! My method of merchandising is vast, flexible, hassle free. All of that paired with the lowest risk investment strategy you have ever heard of.


This is where the real income begins, getting noticed. This is no easy task how ever when your talking about online sales because your competing with giant like Amazon and Pinterest, or are you? Marketing is best executed with automation months in advance, and that is the easy part. The hard part is fine tuning all your efforts using the most up to date data you have while not forgetting to pander to your returning customers. I have many solutions in digital marking and oh ya, and Bachelors Degree in it. Check out my some of my marketing strategy, there are some freebies in here.

Follow the link below to seek franklin Sheffield's professional help.

campaigning 101

Campaigning to is is the organized release of a message over time. My campaigns rely on these technologies and strategies.


Through the use of free applications I developed a way for one person to manage a large collection of social medias, websites, groups, and channels. Strategize automatically releasing your content base on the rules build around 3 content categories', write ups, pictures, and videos. Here are some examples of what I may use on any given project.


"If this than that" is an application that build applets. An applet is a triggered that can be use to cross platform post, generate data, and automate responses.


This application is great for project management on an accountability level. Create guides, goals, and timelines the connect different aspects of your team framework

Automate reports on things like goals met, performance, and more

Meta Business Suit

Everyone is talking about the metaverse, but have you heard of the power of their business suite?

All my campaigns begin with a calendar. Not only will the time line keep track of all the automated posts, ads, and content, it also acts as a secondary form of communication during development. After creating the campaigns timeline we will have a advantageous vantage point from which we can develop weeks, even months in advance!

marketing calendars

If it's worth doing, it's worth scheduling!
I use google applications for many solutions, timing is no exception. This will be the control center from which you can carefully watch over your long term strategies as they grow, and adjust when they don't.

All my campaigns begin with a calendar. Not only will the time line keep track of all the automated posts, ads, and content, it also acts as a secondary form of communication during development. After creating the campaigns timeline, we will have a advantageous vantage point from which we can develop weeks, even months in advance! The further ahead we can get, the easier it will be to marry data with good ideas in a practical and well thought out manner.


Cold to warm

How to turn you the heat on your profits

Your cold audience is everyone who has never hear of you.This audience doesn't care about your sale, or your new product line, they simply want to be entertained. When marketing to this group we will implement an educating and entertaining strategy consisting of mostly short artistic video reels peppered with good information that's on brand. This is the most expensive market to gain traction in, but it is also most directly connected to scaling profits. After a few of these pieces of content make it onto some ones feed, congratulations, you have warmed them up to your brand. Campaigns to this audience will mostly target developing a following.

Warm to hot

A warm market consists of all the people who are brand aware, but have made little to no engagement or commitment to your company. After you have grown your warm audience, now begins the profitable conversion. The goal is to take someone who likes, or at least is familiar with your brand, and get them committed to a purchase and/or attendance. Communication to this audience should be daily because their interaction may not be. Content should support your image, and your community. People like people in their stories and to most people, a story is all your company or cause is. Advertisement to this group should focus on retention and conversion. They don't have to convert to a customer right away, although we will shoot those shots as well. A subscription to a news letter or a following via a different social media is also a win because it increases the overall engagement per person. Familiarity is key to conversion.

Hot to lifer

A hot market consists of those who occasionally to frequently support your business with money. Growing this audience has the largest impact on your bottom line for serval reasons. Starting with the obvious, they are bought in. This audience can also be a great source for things like testimonials, events, and marketing. The focus for this group should be on customer service and participation. Treating this group well will create life committed fans. Life committed fans will talk to everyone positively about your products/services. This is priceless because it is always coming from a trusted source and building trust is at the core of this entire process. Solid tactics here would look like trading any newsletter subscriber a review for a digital gift card. for something cheap like $10 dollars per person, you can get testimony, reward loyalty, and create a life long advocate. Running contests can convert the winners from cold to lifer if the prize is good enough. Meanwhile you concert thousands to warm through newsletter subscriptions.

Other Audience Types to consider for development.

brand keyword fans.
(Example: Yoga - wholistic - wellness) fans
Income brackets
big spenders
following of causes
following of competition

It sounds like a lot, but with the power of automation and technically AI, over time, you will be shocked how much you can accomplish.

Buying Money

Paying for ads is buying money when done correctly, plain and simple. Highly successful strategies developed around paid ads is the quickest and most developed profit growth technique known to man. Don't believe me? Sit with this then; design creates trends, or do trends create designs? When was the last day you can remember you were not exposed to some ones paid ads? Last question, and this one I'll answer, what defines "done correctly"?

Search Engine Optimization

Using strategies key words and building a hashtag schema for your website will give you a shot at being found organically. There is a lot that could be said about this, but it's very techy so I'll spare the details.

research and development

Gathering basic statistics about your assumed audience can help you get the lay of the land so to speak. When done right, this process saves a lot of time in the long run because it sets the ground for synergy with your markets and your content. The closer you can start to your end product, the less time it takes to accomplish it.

Start with Free

Building an army of social media accounts, pages, and groups and initiate all your friends and family.
Get $100 in google ads when you sign up for Shopify.
Start a 501-3C none profit branch and receive $100 a month in google ads
Cross promote with other companies

Launch small, invest in information

$25 dollars a month while you get your bearings is plenty. If your using Meta business, after 100 followers on either Facebook or Instagram the analytics turn on. With information on popularity, engagement, and conversions start to weed out what isn't working while analyzing what is for future development. Rinsing and repeating this method will enhance return on investment over time.

Playing the numbers

Science dictates that creating a change in a controlled variable produces a measurement. In campaigning the measurement is income and the variables are vast. changing things like time of day, day of the week, amount and timing of payments, or target audience will create a gain or a loss compared to previous performance. To decomplicate, we collect gains and let go of loss.

Print full color graphics on anything

create lines and sets

item diversification/specialization

I said anything right?

Those are all real world examples you could actually use to build your own inventory, and I promise that is just the tip of the ice berg. I can connect you with hundreds of print on demand, drop shipping companies. You don't pay them a dime until someone orders your design on their product and just like magic, the customer pays your price, then you pay for production. It takes a few days for all accounts to clear, but every item sold is profit in your pocket with no inventory necessary.

Phase 1

The first step to any new project is to get a unified vision on what is already established, and where you wish to go.

client input

This client already had an Instagram, and a large collation references. From this we some themes like cyberfuture, hexagons, and sacred geometry. His products center around yoga and wellness.

My input

This all happens in preparation for a first meeting where we make vision assets like these:

Vision tool kit

With these artboards, fonts, niches, themes, social media boards, and color panels its time to begin phase 2.

Phase 2

Brand Story

During the phase we will be generating all the content required to tell your story. The written content is mostly up to the client, however I have questionnaires prepared to help inspire in need be. You might see questions like:
Describe the feeling of a best case scenario with your product/service.
What do you think you ideal customer/client is like?
What can your company say about it's self that none or few others can.

Web Graphics

This is where I use what we generated in Phase 1 to create things like backgrounds, containers and banners. These assets get assembled into a framework.

Example website framework

During this process communication is key. Once we have designed a workable framework, it's time for the final phase.

Phase 3

products and services

Do you have an inventory, provide a service, or both? No matter the need, I got you covered.


With the power of Shopify we can have you online inventory up in no time.


Make booking your service the easiest thing your customer has done today.

Do you have employees? No problem, empower them all with unique scheduling tool where they can set their own availability, or you can do it for them.

Payment Portals

Never miss an opportunity by having a diversified collations strategy. Get card payments, as well as an army of applications giving your customers the power of choice.